Funds Disbursement

Leverage modern payment methods for consumer, corporate, and government programs

Key Use Cases

Today’s modern, digital payment tools can enable corporations, governments and other entities to organize and maximize their cash flow while simultaneously simplifying their financial operations.

From Tier 1 banks to governments, many organizations have leveraged NovoPayment’s configurable, API-based financial tools to configure multipurpose fund disbursement solutions for various use cases, from travel & expenses to procurement and more.

We help banks, financial institutions, merchants, fintechs, neobanks, and other brands to create new revenue streams and cultivate lasting customer relationships.

Card Issuing

Design credit, debit, and prepaid cards for your customers and redefine the customer experience.

Retail Banking

Differentiate your brand with modern banking experiences that offer the customization and convenience your customers crave.

Commercial Banking

Provide simplified expense management solutions to your corporate clients.

Alias Directory

Quickly and easily find your contacts to send and request transfers.

Real-Time Payments

Allow your customers to instantly transfer funds between accounts and people across the globe.


Add other partners and functionalities to your flow without the hassle of managing separate integrations.

Who do we serve?

We help banks, financial institutions, merchants, networks, marketplaces, neobanks, and other financial service providers to create new revenue streams and cultivate lasting customer relationships.

Consumer programs

From rebates and incentives to compensations and claims, offer your customers fast, digital disbursements and fund management to keep them satisfied.

Corporate programs

Streamline cashflow and corporate expenses while improving visibility and control over spending and card programs.​

Government programs

Safeguard and manage cash while optimizing government treasury operations.

Customization Scalability Integrations Experiences

A comprehensive platform with all the integrations you need to scale effectively, create customized offerings, and foster customer loyalty.

Single point of contact. Endless possibilities.

Consider NovoPayment the engine that powers your expansion initiatives. We cultivate and coordinate the necessary network partnerships so that you don’t have to.

Key Use Cases

Transform your customers’ digital experiences

Learn how NovoPayment can complement your core technology to enable next-level customer experiences.

Get in touch today

Learn how an open-API approach can open new doors for your business.

Funds Disbursement